Outbidophobia is a distinct feeling of apprehension and concern, also known colloquially as ‘FOMAU’ or ‘fear of missing an upgrade’.
This condition is directly related to bidding in a Seatfrog auction, and is extremely common.
Outbidophobia can have both psychological (mental) and physical symptoms, that range from mild to severe. These vary from person to person, but can include:
[ ] A twitching thumb
[ ] Seeing phantom First Class tickets
[ ] Feeling restless or worried about your auction throughout the day
[ ] Having trouble concentrating or sleeping because you can’t stop thinking about your auction
[ ] Frequent compulsion to check your phone
[ ] Constant daydreaming about First Class seats

Outbidophobia usually gets better on its own after a few days, after the Seatfrog auction has ended.
How can I prevent it?
You can’t always avoid outbidophobia, but there are some things to do to help prevent or alleviate symptoms:
[ ] Put in a high early bid for a chance for an Instant Win
[ ] Buy an Instant Upgrade to immediately to skip the auction and associated symptoms
[ ] Turn on your notifications to stop the need for compulsive phone-checking
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